You may not know this but...


...I'm part of the Encraftment Market organising team - alongside this Pretty Birds Jewellery gig I've got going on here! I'm guessing that many of you appreciate good Kiwi makers and artisans so I thought I'd let you know about Encraftment.

For those new to Encraftment, it is an exclusively handmade market of local, high quality products, made right here in New Zealand. We hold the market twice a year, in winter, and at Christmas, both here in Christchurch. We are often blown away by the talent in this country. We have about 130 stallholders coming along with some very clever and beautiful stuff.

As for us organisers, there are three of us on the team. Bronwyn from Baby Bird Creations, Helen from Little Lions and myself. In the past the three of us have all had stalls ourselves as well as organised it, but it's gotten a little big for us to be able to juggle it all now - a good problem to have! We are going to have a small range of our own products available at the info table so if you do come along, make sure you come say hi!

Encraftment Market  | Pioneer Stadium | Sat 23rd & Sun 24th Nov | 10am to 4pm

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