Something Close to my Heart
Lee Arthur

Le Bons Bay on Banks Peninsula is a place close to my heart. My grandparents bought a bach (beach house) there in the 1940s, and ever since, it’s been a special spot for rest, adventure, and making memories with family and friends. Family legend has it that my Nana made Grandad buy it because he was a workaholic and wouldn’t relax if he stayed home - it didn't help that he was a mechanic with his workshop just behind the house! The bay is full of native birds like Kererū, Bellbirds, Kōtare, and Pīwakawaka—and recently, Tūī have started moving in....
You may not know this but...
Lee Arthur

...I'm part of the Encraftment Market organising team - alongside this Pretty Birds Jewellery gig I've got going on here! I'm guessing that many of you appreciate good Kiwi makers and artisans so I thought I'd let you know about Encraftment. For those new to Encraftment, it is an exclusively handmade market of local, high quality products, made right here in New Zealand. We hold the market twice a year, in winter, and at Christmas, both here in Christchurch. We are often blown away by the talent in this country. We have about 130 stallholders coming along with some very clever and...
Silver Linings - kind of!
bird grief jewellery memory silver
Lee Arthur

Packaging Audit
Lee Arthur
Everybody loves to get a nicely wrapped parcel in the mail. With that in mind, I’ve been having a bit of a packaging audit lately - trying to decide what I like and don’t like about the packaging I have, and what is necessary and unnecessary. I don’t want to have too much packaging, but at the same time I want you to feel like you have something special in your hands when you open a parcel from Pretty Birds. So, I’ve been looking at different options. During my online travels I had StickerDot get in touch about the sticker options they offer for custom...
Finding the Right Ring Size
Lee Arthur
I recently had a customer buy a ring as a gift for a family member and it made me realise it can be difficult to make sure you can order the correct size - whether it's for yourself or as a gift for someone else. As a maker, I really want to make sure I make it the correct size too, so I don't mind spending the extra time needed to make sure we get it right.So how do we get the right size?In New Zealand (and Australia and Great Britain), we use an A-Z scale to measure ring sizes. In the...